Friday, February 15, 2013


Started trying this as I have dark marks on my arms from wearing my traditional bridal 'chuda' for 6 months (for those that don't know these are a set of very pretty bangles that some newly wed Hindu brides wear for the first year of marriage). Unfortunately I had a bad reaction in the heat wearing the bangles on my gorgeous Hawaiian honeymoon, and in the hot Chicago summers I was left my with marks on my forearms (think Chinese twists constantly for 6 months). I know there will be those of you that will be thinking, "uh, if they hurt why not take them off you crazy?!". But tbh those bangles were oh so pretty, and to be honest it didnt hurt that much and I didn't really realize the damage until one night I couldn't sleep because of them so I took them off  and realized it was marking my arms. Oh dear. Well, I have suffered for beauty before and daresay I will again.

So have tried a exfoliating (ouch) and ambi fade cream half heartedly (which did remove about half of the marks and then stopped) but 4 years and 1 baby later, have still not completely got rid of them. So, as a bzzagent, my dark spots qualified me to try  GARNIER SKIN RENEW DARK SPOT PEEL for free. Now I know technically they are not the dark spots one gets from age, but what harm could it do? After a week or so am surprised to say the spots are fading! It's kind of works by drying the skin out, and I guess new skin grows in so I'm recommending it. Also have been using on face overnight because so easy to remember to use before my night time moisturizer, and can say I feel my skin is a little brighter! Try it ladies, what do you have to lose? Cheaper than other skin brighteners out there! Yes, I'm looking at you shiseido white Lucent and Clinique derma white. Also I like that I can use my own moisturizers along side this product, although its recommended to use garniers own dark mark moisturizer, I like suing my own as I already have dry skin I don't want to wrinkle out completely, so nice add on. Only suggestion I would make to garniers marketing would be to rename this a serum instead of peel. Missing out on younger women, I would never buy a peel, but a serum yes please.